2016-11-14 | Ó¢Óï Сѧ СѧӢÓï

Listening Part £¨40%£©

I . Let??s listen and number .£¨12%£©Ìý¼Òô£¬ÓÃ1¡«6¸øͼƬÅÅÐò¡£


II . Listen and judge.Write ??T?? or ??F??¡££¨10%£© Ìý¼Òô£¬ÕýÈ·µÄд??T??£¬´íÎóµÄд??F??¡£

¡¡¡¡£¨ £©1.Tom and Tim have got many mascots.

¡¡¡¡£¨ £©2.Terry has got a friendship band.

¡¡¡¡£¨ £©3.Cindy has got a computer.

¡¡¡¡£¨ £©4.Jimmy has got a basketball.

¡¡¡¡£¨ £©5.Max has got a skateboard.

III. Listen and write the numbers.£¨12%£©Ìý¼Òô£¬Ð´Êý×Ö¡£

1.I can jump ________times in one minute .

2.Sarah can draw ________animals in a minute.

3.I can bend my knees ________times in a minute .

4.In one minute, a top athlete can run about ________metres.

5.The fastest car can go about________kilometres in an hour.

6.I have got ________silver bells as my birthday??s present.

IV. Listen and tick£¨ £©the correct answers .£¨6%£©¹´³öÕýÈ·µÄÑ¡Ïî¡£

Record Form
1.Age £¨ £©eight £¨ £©nine £¨ £©ten
2.Like £¨ £©music £¨ £©sports £¨ £©reading
3.Favourite £¨ £©Chinese £¨ £©Maths £¨ £©English
4.Mascot £¨ £©ring £¨ £©shell £¨ £©soft toy
5.Mother??s job £¨ £©worker £¨ £©nurse £¨ £©teacher
6.Father??s job £¨ £©farmer £¨ £©driver £¨ £©cook
Writing Part £¨60%£©

I. Write the time in English.£¨12·Ö£© д³öʱ¼äµÄÓ¢Óï±í´ï¡£


II. Choose the correct word.£¨10·Ö£©´Ó·½¿òÖÐÑ¡ÔñÕýÈ·µÄ´ð°¸Ìî¿Õ¡£


1.________do you have breakfast? At half past seven.
2.________does your aunt do? She is a teacher.
3.________is that boy? He is my brother.
4.________schoolbag is it? It??s Leo??s.
5.________children are there in your class? There are fifty.
III. Read and match.£¨10·Ö£©¿´²¢Ñ¡³öÕýÈ·µÄÑ¡Ïî¡£

£¨ £© 1. Are you Ann??s mother? A. No, she isn??t. She is my mother.
£¨ £© 2. Is he your father? B.Yes, I am.
£¨ £©3. Is she your aunt? C. No, he isn??t. He is my uncle.
£¨ £©4. Are they your grandparents? D. Yes, they are my books.
£¨ £©5. Are these your books? E. Yes, they are.
IV. Read and circle.£¨10·Ö£©¿´ÌⲢȦ³öÕýÈ·µÄ´ð°¸¡£

1.________£¨ Have / Has £© you got a silver necklace? Yes, I have .

2.There ________£¨ is / are £©two soft toys on the desk.

3.Toby ________£¨ have / has £© got a new football. 4

4.________£¨ Are / Is £© your mother a doctor?

5.Are these your cousins? No, they________£¨isn??t / aren??t £©¡£

V. Read and fill in the table. Then answer the question.¶ÁÒ»¶Á²¢Íê³É±í¸ñ£¬»Ø´ðÎÊÌâ¡££¨12%£©

¡¡¡¡I??m Lily. I am eleven. I am from China. I have got mascots. My favourite mascot is shell. I get up at half past six. I go to school at seven o??clock. School starts at twenty past seven .I go to bed at five to ten.

¡¡¡¡I??m Mike. I am thirteen. I am from US. I have got mascots. My favourite mascot is a ring .I get up at ten past five. I go to school at ten to six. School starts at half past eight. I go to bed at ten to ten.

age favourite go to school school start
Lily ? ? ?
Mike ? ? ?
1.When does Lily get up?


2.Where is Mike from?


3.Does Lily get up at six o??clock?


4.Is Lily from the USA?


VI. ÒÔMy day ΪÌâддÄãÒ»ÌìµÄѧϰÉú»î¡££¨6%£©




¡¶Ð¡Ñ§Ó¢ÓïÎåÄ꼶ÉϲáÆÚÖвâÊÔ¡·ÕªÒª£º. 2.Terry has got a friendship band. 3.Cindy has got a computer. 4.Jimmy has got a basketball. 5.Max has got a skateboard. III. Listen and write the numbers.12%Ìý¼Òô£¬Ð´Êý×Ö¡£ 1. I can jump time...
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